Wednesday 11 March 2015

This ones for Jerry!

Yesterday we decided to pay the BMW Motorrad Test Camp Almeria 2015 a visit... So after our 9.30 Zumba class we set off.

The Circuito de Almeria is located in Tabernas which is just over 80kms from Mojacar located on the N340a road. It's a very pleasant drive that takes you through pretty countryside with great views along the way.

We arrived just after 11.30ish and already everything was in full swing. There were just tons of large rigs all kitted out with the team colours, logos etc. obviously these large lorries house all the bikes and equipment etc..

In the garage areas that sit alongside the track are all the race bikes... Knowing absolutely zilch about bikes I just kept snapping away knowing that you Jerry would have loved to have been here soaking all this up!

Tons of them!...

We then walked outside to view and listen to the bikes as they shot by... OMG..the noise was unbelievable! The track is fantastic to look out on ground level plus from up on the rooftop terrace...from here you can see most of the track..

Here are the race tracks they attend...

Groups of riders were settig off periodically and all laps were being timed..

Once most of the morning sessions had ended and everyone was stopping for lunch we walked across the large car park area to the on site restaurant.

Thre were a variety of dishes to choose from but the huge Paella pan caught my eye!

That was probably one of the best Paellas' I've had in a very long time...delicious!

After our 'pit stop' we decided to head back to the car and came across these Eco bikes plugged in...

Suitably impressed with our morning so far we then decided to head toward Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory which John has wanted to visit for a long time. As we were half way there it made sense!

Just off the N340a you join the A339 until you see the AL8171 signposting the Observatory.. You then start climbing upwards...

Along the way are some very pretty little hamlet/villages..

There is absolutely nothing around here, so not a place I would like to live but very pretty none the less.

Onward we climbed and we were keeping our fingers crossed that we would see some snow...we were in the Sierra de Los Filabres after all!...

We found some...

It had nearly all disappeared so I couldn't resist leaving my 'mark'..

Once we had climed to the heady heights of 2168 metres at the summit the Observatories came into view..

It almost seemed lunar like...and the air was clear, crisp and quite chilly!

The Calar Alto Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated jointly between Gemany and Spain. They do say due to its location and the dry atmosphere plus low numbers of cloudy nights, observations are good throughout the year.

Over the top of the mountain range and back down the other side we decided to head home...

Along the way we travelled past Seron which is famous for its hams, they are cured in the surrounding mountains..

Another hour or so and we were back down to sea level...

Now this is what we prefer!.....great day was had by all PLUS the sun shone all day...can't ask for more than that can you?

See you both Saturday! Xxx


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